Saturday 25 November 2017

Phoenix & Christmas Card

Hi My  Friends

Can you believe I forgot to press publish last night (this morning) and only managed to get to the computer now 10.20pm ish as Craig and  Pia came for lunch and ended up staying longer. What a lovely day!!.

I've put a couple of photo's of Phoenix here for you as you have all been sooo wonderful I thought you would love to see my beautiful grandson, well I am biased. He is less than 24hrs old in these pictures. Every time I see him he changes. I spent Friday afternoon with Claire & Phoenix having his bath and a weigh in with the midwife. He was born 7lbs lost a little as they do and now weighs in at a healthy 8.1lbs, he's doing really well.

I have so much pride for our beautiful Evelyn, and what  has been achieved in her memory, and now she has become a big sister to her beautiful brother Phoenix. This will be yet another different Christmas for us as a family this year, I really don't want any pressie's to open just many many big cuddles with Phoenix and celebrating Evelyn's wonderful achievements we are very very proud grand parents.

This is my 1st Christmas card this year. It's surprising what you can achieve when you are in a very happy place. I have wanted so many times to make a card for my blog this past 21 months and look at it and think that's a Tina card again.

I don't even know if this is a Tina card as It's been so long, but I have to say I have loved getting back into my workroom to make cards as opposed to just shutting myself away in my safe little space called my workroom. My room has been my sanctuary. When the most devastating things going on every day, testing me to my last ounce of sanity having to watch my family going through something so beyond my control. The tears I have shed in my room in the early hours when everyone was sound asleep, I'm surprised our home wasn't flooded time & time again.

I Sat up one night  thinking of Christmas cards a bit like tonight (24th Nov) and it's now 3.20am. Earlier this evening I thought I need to start making my Christmas cards and start to get get back to some kind of normality. If you call 3.20am normal, so I made this card . I am going to make the same style but with different embellishments. So I hope you like my 1st one. I need to go now and cuddle Half Pint  (My little puppy dog ) and get some shut eye, so I will say night night & sleep tight.XX

Be back again soon

 Here Goes!!

Hope you like it.

Love & hugs

Tina XX

PS. I'm sorry I didn't reply on my last blog post but had big problems with my computer. Steph, the animals are little buttons and I found them at  Forest babies, Stuffed with love (teddies), Out foxed and Hop Hop.  Thank you for all your lovely comments, thoughts and prayers for us as a family and for Claire Toby & Phoenix. Also little hugs but lots of them from Half Pint to Billy (((x)))

Tuesday 21 November 2017

My Gorgeous Grandsons pressie's & card

Hi my friends

We have had a very busy couple of weeks as you can imagine. I can't believe Phoenix will be 2 weeks old today. Paul has taken time off so we can go and see Phoenix as often as we can but we have also managed to do lots of jobs around the house too, including cutting a new door way into our loft via the landing so that I can gain access to the Christmas dec's as I really can't do a vertical ladder to get them down. When we cut the opening through and the plaster board fell towards me, my goodness I think I ran faster than the spiders, talk about arachnophobia, I needed more than a tener lady I needed a toddler pampers. I can now walk in to get the dec's out, but would like a stun gun for spiders. I won't kill one but they've got to learn to maintain a respectful distance, if not I'll SCREAM!.

Paul &  I would love to say a really really big Thank You to you all for your never ending thoughts & prayers, Cards, Presents & flowers. You are such amazing friends. Here are some amazing gifts sent to our home, you really are so special.XX

Excuse my untidy workroom new lighting issues going on in here too.

Grandma's Emergency Bag

Duck for bathing, sailing boats, several forks and spoons, bibs, cups plates & bowls towel ans plastic mat. I'm totally set up to feed my man now.

 Beautiful flowers for Claire & Toby, and for the proud Grand parents.X

Here is my Little man's card I made. We got caught short so they haven't had it for too long. That's why I have only just posted the card. hope you like it. I would have done so many things so different with the layers. Hey Ho! too late, I really didn't want to change it so late down the line. I hope they like it!.

Hera goes.

Thank you all again for all your support through the most difficult time we have had to go through with one of our children. I have poured my heart out to you all and you have been here for me & my family even though I know it has been so difficult for some of you. Bless You.

Talk Soon, Take care

Love & Hugs to All

Tina XX


Wednesday 8 November 2017

Fantastic News

 Hi Blog Friends

Just had to let you all know our Grandson arrived safely yesterday, albeit early. Claire had been booked in for Monday 13th Nov to be induced at 38 weeks. I saw her on Monday and my goodness he must have had a growing spurt over the weekend Claire was HUGE!. She said we are on count down now mum, 7 day's to go.

I told her to go and sit down and I'd make her and the workers lunch. She asked if I would make her a bacon, cheese with my homemade pickle in a roll and on the 3 bite Claire said look at my tummy. Bean as I new him then was moving so much, I laughed and said he likes my pickle. Claire said whenever she ate sweet things he always seems to move a lot.

I had a phone call yesterday about 3 ish, she said don't panic mum I'm ok but my waters broke about 2.20pm and that she was on her way to hospital to be monitored. She went into full labour and he was born at 6.20pm, 4 hours later. He weighs in at 7lb, born 7th Nov 2017 and his name is Phoenix Evan Ward. We love the name because of the meaning behind it. We managed to see him for just 5 mins last night and he is absolutely stunning. We can't go in again until tonight as I have a hospital appointment, so I'm hoping to have some cuddles and photo's then. If Claire will allow it I'll ask if I can put a photo of him here either tonight or tomorrow. If not please don't be offended, I have a feeling this little man is going to be very protected.

 I can only say A big Thank You to you all for all your prayers and kindness for the safe arrival of our very special 2nd Grandchild. I wish I could thank you all in person, SuzzieQ that would be quite a trip wouldn't it.

Thank you so much again, Lots of Love & Hugs

Tina XX