Hope you all had a good weekend, it's been a bit/ lot wet & windy here, I hope you all had a good one if you did manage to get some sunshine.
Today ( Monday morning ) I had to take the cats for their booster jabs, I didn't take Summer as at 19 you wouldn't want to be shoved in a cage and driven miles to the vet, so I fed Summer with some fish while I bundled the other 3 in the car. It was such heavy rain and I took each one out to the car under an umbrella, then when I reached the vets I then had to take each one in one at a time in their baskets under the umbrella, and then when they had been given their jabs I had to do the same thing, one at a time to the car for the journey home and then back indoors. The cats were as dry as a bone and I looked an absolute Wreck, what we do for our pets.
Last week it was mentioned that I should buy a lottery ticket as luck comes in 3's. I had my contract extended for 6 months with Creative Expressions, and the most positive outcome from my results from the hospital, but the 3rd one has blown us away, our daughter Claire is going to have our first grandchild. We have hit the jackpot!! Loads of tears & champers ( not Claire ) was had by all. We did know a few weeks back, but Claire wanted to wait for her 1st scan. I can't put into words just how happy I am. Maybe I should still buy a lottery ticket anyway, as I think this little bundle is going to cost us a small fortune. What a lucky, lucky lady? I am.
I promise it will not be baby talk from now until March.. but, Did I tell you that Claire sent me a picture of the scan and you can see the baby perfectly, and it's only 2 inches long the size of a brussel sprout apparently .. OK that's it! promise.
I know I said I was going out on a blaze of colour, but couldn't ditch the White. So here is a White, Pink & Black card with lots of sparkle. Just had to end Christmas with a flutterby.
I have had a very merry Christmas card making, and wish you all have a fantastic Christmas when it comes around for real, and hope that the lovely products I have been sent from CE, have given you a few ideas. Hope you like this one too!!

Products used:-
Creative Expressions- Snow Fibre Paper
Creative Expressions- Foundation card- Black, Pink & Coconut white
Creative Expressions- Iced Snow
Spellbinders- Les Papillions Two
Sue Wilson- Finishing Touches- Dandelion Clocks
Sue Wilson- Festive collection- Merry Christmas
Sue Wilson- " " - Classic Poinsettia
Sue Wilson- " " - Classic Poinsettia- Open Petal
Sue Wilson- " " - Holly Sprays
Big Hugs to all you lovely ladies
Tina XX