Tuesday 7 July 2020

Birthday card

Hi my Friends

I've been absent for a while, Sorry!

The reason being we have taken a chain saw to 8 trees, had loads of bonfires, pulled 2 lots of decking down and transplanted loads of plants into Evelyn's garden. ( All the trees will be replaced ) but they were in the way of making a new patio. Paul has worked so hard the last 3 weeks and I feel really guilty as I have only been on drinks and food duty because of my fall down the last few stairs a few weeks ago I'm finding it hard to walk, so have felt really useless but he has eaten well and has kept hydrated.

We have still got a long job ahead of us. The hardcore is being delivered then we have some chalk based rubble and then sand, finally we have 200 slabs being delivered for the patio. When it's all finished we are hoping to get away in the caravan. I thinks we are going to look like two knackered old farts sat on our sun loungers snoring our heads off. Sounds good to me, cant wait! That's if we're brave enough to leave the safety of our garden with Covid19 still lurking. We personally think it's way too soon to open up so quickly. I know Paul & Claire have had to work throughout this pandemic but I have made sure that Paul changes and showers and washes his clothes as does Claire before hugging Phoenix.

In all this chaos I hate to say that my sister-in-laws birthday came around faster than I thought and didn't have enough time to make her a card, so I went into my boxes of cards and chose this one. I made this card back in September 2015. Where has that time gone?

I chose this one as her daughter is due to have a baby in 5 weeks after they lost their 1st child too. I know Liz is really looking forward to the big day and also dreams about doing lots of adventures with her new grand child.

Here Goes!


I really hope you don't mind that I cheated and used one of my older creations.

Take care everyone & stay safe

Lots of Love & Hugs

Tina XX


  1. Hi Tina such a gorgeous card my favourite with flowers .

    What have you been up to again falling you must take more water with it . sorry for that but thats what i get told hope you are feeling better to what you where just take care (not easy)i know.

    Lovely to hear from you again love to you and Family hugs xxxxjeanie

  2. Hi Jeanie

    Really pleased you liked the card even though I made it in 2015.

    I promise to take more water with it, if only that was the reason. I just misjudged the stairs as they turn at the bottom, What a plonker!!

    Lovely to see you again Jeanie, And ditto with the Love & Hugs right back at you.

    Love & Hugs

    Tina XX

  3. Oh for goodness sake what are you like, be careful or I'll have to relocate and be your carer, (can you imagine) lol what a scream. It's a good job Paul has all this energy and all the hard work will pay off, down south you get much nicer weather than here so you'll get the use of your beautiful patio. I've been planting pots. Early at the start of the pandemic the nursery did a delivery service so I ordered my bedding plants, they delivered to our doorstep and I did the rest when the sun cooled down (my skin reacts badly to the sun) so no sitting out for me - can't win lol stuck indoors during the winter look forward to the warmer days then it gets to hot lol, poor Andy I feel so sorry for him.
    This card is adorable Tina why don't I remember it, did you share it before? I bet your sister in law was thrilled to receive this beautiful gift as all your cards are just that - a gift. I've not been doing that much as the market is on hold, just the few orders that filter through, so I'm embarrassed to say I've got into the habit of having nanny naps in the afternoon (if I admitted that to Craig I'd not hear the last of it) he just revels in teasing me he can't help himself, I hope your Craig is okay Tina bless him. So that's me done till we chat again take Jeannie's advice lol ❤😆 xxx

  4. Hi My Friend

    I'd take you in for my carer anytime, when can you move in. Yes I can imagine we'd have great fun, again when can you all move in.

    I only wanted the original decking replaced and extended to meet the one outside the lounge not this monster of a job but I know it will look when it's done. Then like you I'm only going to do pots and hanging baskets next year, and Evelyn's garden will have shrubs that basically will just need a trim.

    I'm with you about the sun. I love to see it out but just can't sit in it, it's not because I react I just glow. ( No I'm not a posh bird I just don't like to sweat! ).

    I did show this card back in 2015 but I'd even forgotten about it. I found a whole box of cards from around that time so might put one a week on display what do you think?

    Just make the most of the nanny naps because when things get back to a different normal you be crafting like mad.

    I'll talk soon matey.

    Lots & Lots of Love & Hugs

    Tina XX
