Sunday 2 December 2018

1st handmade wreath

Hi My Friends

My night out with Claire was hilarious, mother in law Erica came too. We arrived about 15 minutes late due to handing Phoenix over to his dad and also very heavy traffic.

When we arrived the instructor had already shown how to attach the moss, also all the tables had been taken up and all the good foliage had gone too they were like vultures, they were determined to get their £35 worth. We eventually got squished onto the end of a long table and because of the time to find us some space we had what battered foliage was left. Claire did find a lovely branch of pale blue thistles but when Claire wasn't looking the couple of WI women opposite took it and shared it between them. At the time I didn't see this but Erica did so when they weren't watching Erica pinched their sprigs of rosemary. For the rest of the evening these two ladies would not drop the subject that their rosemary had mysteriously gone missing staring straight at Erica every time they mentioned it. I'm so glad I was blissfully unaware of this but it did make us laugh on the way home. I said to Erica I've got a piece of rosemary in my wreath. She said so you took my last piece you tea leaf and Claire & I just laughed.

Anyway, before I put the wreath on the door today I put a few strings of beads to cover the bits we didn't manage to get. Next year we are going to have a wreath making session here at home with mince pies and a glass of wine. We'll raid the garden and see what happens next year. Well you have to have things to look forward to!!.

Here goes!!

Typical, excuse the holes in the door frame as our bell decided to fall off during the week.

I hope you enjoy putting your decorations up.

See you all soon

Love & Hugs

Tina XX


  1. Morning Tina, oh you do make me laugh, I would say that the organisation of the materials was not handled very well, still you did have a laugh with those WI's getting your own back on them.

    The wreath looks amazing, I wonder if the birds will have a little peck at it.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  2. Hi June

    I'm so glad I wasn't aware of what was going on because it wouldn't have been such fun.

    I'm whispering now, has your you know what arrived yet (Foil machine) no one will see those words I've hidden them.

    Thank you again June for always coming back and leaving me a lovely comment.

    Big Hugs & Love

    Tina XX

  3. Hi Tina I love the wreath and good you can laugh about it . sounds a great idea for next year get the girls round with mince pies and a bottle of wine.
    hugs Jeanie

  4. Hi Jeanie

    Thank you, it was a good time. It makes me smile even now when I think about it.

    Taking bookings now for next year Wine & mince pies, Oh yes and wreath making.

    Love & Hugs

    Tina XX

  5. I'm back. How rude !! Is there really any need for people to behave the way those women did, a total disgrace and how they showed their lack of manners. Behaviour like that doesn't belong in my world, if you can't be nice and friendly to people especially at such a lovely gathering like that - then don't go if you're going to be mean. They deserved having no rosemary for their wreath. What on EARTH makes you think you need to be tutored for such craft, YOU should be doing the tutorial group there is NOTHING you can't do and you've shown us this over and over. I'd love to be as artistic it's just there lol I try but it all ends up a mess lol you'd rip your hair out of you were my tutor that's a cert lol. Have a great day sweetheart xxx

  6. Hi Steph

    They were a bit up their own backsides, I'm sure they would criticize your Victoria sponge even if you were a chef, them being part of the WI brigade.

    I'd never attempted a wreath before especially a fresh one I've only tittivated an artificial one but definitely going to do it again next year and maybe after a couple of wines it'll look wonderful. Your last comment is coming from the lady that taught me techniques to get me on a design team. I think we'd have a good laugh if we crafted together.

    Lots of Love & Hugs Steph

    Tina XX AKA Siovan
