Sunday 19 April 2020


Hi my Friends

Well what a lockdown! Paul & I are slowly getting over the covid19 ( even though the doctor confirmed it, no testing ). I still can't take a full breath in without coughing so breathing is shallow sometimes but, hey we are so getting over this. I hope you and your families are all staying safe. This is such a scary time in our lives when we are fighting something that we can't see and is taking our loved ones away from us. I'm worried about the front line workers. I know Steph has a good friend that is on the front line and my sister is working in a care home with 3 definite covid19 without proper PPE. As Paul said today it's like sending our troops into battle without riffles. My sister lives in part of our home, we worry about her, but also for ourselves as we don't fully know how this bloody virus works. She lives in a self contained part of the house that is divided by a door and a little hall. We haven't opened the door between us for at least five weeks and only talk at a distance in the garden. Bless her she does our shopping once a week and she knocks on our kitchen doors to let us know our food is outside on the patio. Last week I made her a Thank you card but I forgot to take a photo, Sorry!

Please stay safe, I know it's easy to say but I really mean it. X

On a lighter note. This is what lockdown did to my OH Paul and I fell for it hook line & sinker.

Also Paul went out today for a bike ride around the lanes for his 1hr exercise and I asked him to go through Cowsfield. It's a beautiful lane beside our village, there are stunning woodlands that display their beauty every year of bluebells at this time no matter what is happening in our lives. Nature carries on Thank goodness.

 We have a lot to learn from mother nature," Why aren't we listening". I don't want to go back to vapour trails in the sky, or sit in the garden and hear the traffic in the distance or see the greediness of people in the supermarkets. I Just want to sit in the garden and hear nature at it's most musical, It's amazing. Selfish I know! and life has to return to some kind of normality but I don't think as a human race we would have listened hard enough, and because of this pandemic and pandemics to come, the worry about our little ones looking to the future with an innocents and naivety of our greed this is what we have left them as our legacy, It's so sad. Goodness that was heavy, I'm really sorry.

Hopefully Mother Nature will give us all another chance. I just hope we don't Ball's it up again!!

Thank you all for looking in, I hope I haven't put you off coming back because of my language.

Take care & stay safe

Love & Hugs

Tina XX


  1. Morning Tina, oh that did give me a good laugh, I certainly wasn't expecting that, ha ha. xx

    Pleased to hear that you are both over the worst of the virus, it will take time but you are both doing the right thing. I know and understand how you feel about your Sister, because my niece is a nurse and has to visit care homes and the community where the virus is about (there are 4 of her colleagues in work who have tested positive), so I worry every day for her, she also rings me and has brought a few bits to our door to cheer us up. My son who lives 20 minutes away has been getting most of our shopping and again drops it off at the doorstep. Although I have managed an Iceland delivery and as Asda delivery the next day so have plenty of food in, it is just the fresh stuff that is difficult but we will get through this.

    No worry about the language, we are still friends whatever you say. I do get annoyed with all the scare mongering that you hear, the tabloids and media are so bad at this, they should show us the hero's and good things that have happened, especially someone like Capt. Tom, what an amazing thing to do.

    we are all safe here, not been outside the door for 40 days today but if it means i will live to see and hugs my children and grandchildren again it will be worth it.

    The bluebells are so beautiful.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

    1. Hi June

      I'm glad Paul's toilet humor made you laugh. He was so bored that day. He spent all day on the computer looking for other things to catch me out.

      As mums we'll never stop worrying about our children no matter what their age. Claire starts back tomorrow at school looking after keyworkers children so my stress levels will go up too.

      Isn't Captain Tom a real trooper and an inspiration to the younger generation too, he has also inspired a 90 yr old to climb up & down her stairs to the equivalent height of her favourite mountain she climbed when she was younger. I hope Mr Tom gets some form of recognition from the royals.

      I used to feel safe before Paul went back to work last Friday and again today. So I make him undress on the patio, put his clothes into a zip up cushion cover to wash while he is having a shower. He said if it rains can he get undressed inside. I said NO I'll pass you the soap out of the window.

      Glad you are both safe June.

      Take Care
      Lots of Love & Hugs

      Tina XX
