Thursday 18 February 2021

Phew! Last Birthday Card For February

Hi my Friends 

Well that's the last of the special birthday cards for February. It's my sister's birthday today and would have been my brother Tony's birthday today too, although 19yrs difference.

I have to hold my hands up and say that I haven't made this card this week, month or year. I made this back in 2014, I've just tittivated it put in a lovely floral insert and put it in a nice box. I hope you are not too disappointed, hopefully you won't remember it and I get away with this one.

Good news Paul gets his 1st jab on Monday, but sadly I'm probably not going to get mine until the end of March, I just can't wait to get that little bit of piece of mind, and one more step to hugs with my family.


Here Goes


Well that's all folks. Evelyn's card next.

See you soon

Stay Safe everyone

Love & Hugs

Tina XX 


  1. Hi Tina such a gorgeous card love your beautiful flowers always my favourite.

    Good news Paul having his jab hope you do not have to wait to long for yours , just wished we could get the family all done so we can see them soon . Take care love to you all xxx jeanie

  2. Hi Jeanie

    Glad you liked Chicky's ( my sister ) card.

    I'm with you on the jab front. I wish it could be done by families.

    I contacted our MP about vaccinations for teachers as teachers like Claire have worked every week throughout the whole 3 lock downs and looking after the children of NHS staff and other key workers children. I had a reply today saying that teachers will be vaccinated in a matter of weeks. So watch this space, and Woe Betide if that was another politicians way of dodging the question. We'll See.

    Stay Safe Jeanie

    Love & Hugs To You

    Tina XX

  3. Hi Tina Glad to hear you contacted your MP we have been saying this all along all front line workers should have been first for vaccinations doctors ,nurses Teachers , firemen , ambulance staff ect working close to people . MY niece works at a nursing home and only just had her vaccination and they should have had them with the first really . Hope Claire will have hers soon . well i have had my moan take care love to you all xxx.

  4. Bless you Jeanie.

    My sister works at a care home doing the night shifts. 2Wks ago she had her 1st jab, not before she got covid though. She lives in part of our home that Paul & I made as a self contained apartment, but other than talk in the garden We don't see her and that will remain until Paul & I have had our 2nd jabs. Sad as it is we have to be so careful. That light at the end of the tunnel is getting ever closer, but just not fast enough. I have to say though, hats off to all the people that have volunteered to administer the jabs have helped us closer to that lighted tunnel.

    Stay safe my friend

    Tina XX

  5. Thank you Tina look forward to seeing your card for Evelyn take care xxx jeanie

  6. Amazing no matter how old it is, and we all think the same and that's we've never seen a bad card from you, each card has its beauty. Love to paul, hope he's okay with the vaccine xx

  7. Awww Hi Boss, Thank you X

    I'm sure he'll be fine, but I also know he'll let me know if he's feeling unwell. hope Andy has recovered. I'll be in touch soon.X

    Love & Hugs
    Me XX
