Wednesday 7 November 2018

Decorations on the Christening day & 1st birthday card

Hi My Friends

Can you believe it's Phoenix's 1st birthday today. Seriously, where has this year gone. He has been the light of our lives and has been a complete delight to look after since Claire went back to work, but totally exhausting though, but those cuddles make up for any back &, hip pains at the end of the day. Luckily he is a very cuddly man and loves the film MOANA which we have to watch on a loop sometimes, but to see him clap,smile and try to talk along is just heart warming.

So So sorry I haven't written before. After Phoenix's Christening I went down with this awful cold that is going around, it was really quite brutal and completely wiped me out.,poor little Phoenix had it too. Since he has started at the child minder he has not been free of a cold, bless him, but the Christening day was magical and a fantastic memory. He came over again for another celebration a few weeks later on the 22nd Oct with mum & dad of course to celebrate my birthday. I cooked a full Chinese takeaway menu. I did ask, "can we order in", but Paul prefers mine, but I prefer not to cook!, but hey ho! it was good as Claire & Craig went home with lots of goodies. Not so much of a birthday break but a very good day.

Here are a few pictures of the decorations that survived the storm on the Christening day. We put the decorations up outside on Friday and the remainder of the storm ??? wiped them out on Saturday/ Sunday, but when we left the church after the service the sun came out and the winds died down and it was a lovely afternoon. The only decorations that survived the storm outside was the bunting, the indoor ones fared a little better. I stupidly wiped some files off the computer with pictures of the cake and the spread. No one went home hungry. We were going to send people home with goody bags but decided to pack the food up in containers and Paul handed out food boxes out to some homeless people he passes on his travels. He did make me laugh when he came home and said that they were over the moon, but one said he was a vegetarian. Paul said there vegetarian in all the boxes, it's up to your friends to share it with you. They were really chuffed with their goodies, but I said don't go back for a few weeks or they'll be putting orders in for next time.

We are having a party for Phoenix on Saturday for Phoenix so will take some photo's there and will post them on Monday. I would post them Sunday but my nephew is coming over. I haven't seen him for a while as he has been fighting throat cancer. He had an all clear but it came back but I'm pleased to say he is all clear now and can't wait for a big hug. I still tease him about the speech he gave at my wedding as he gave me away. I said in the car to the church how's the speech, have you mentioned the bridesmaids and thank you all for coming. He looked at me in complete shock and said " I thought you were joking". I knew then this would not be a polished wedding speech. When Richard's time came to give his off the hoof speech, it was short and sweet and he said. "Can we please all stand, which everyone did, to raise our glasses to Paul and say thanks for finding a mug to take her off our hands" Cheers! Everybody found it really funny ( even Paul ), a typical Richard quote. I've never let him forget it but I know he is really sorry he didn't write a proper speech, but like everyone says they'll never forget it and it was a very funny one off speech.

Anyway enough waffle, here some photo's

Phoenix's 1st birthday card.

Remaining Garden dec's from the Christening and a few indoor pic's.

Well that's it for the Christening pic's.

Like I said on Monday I will post some pictures of Phoenix and his Birthday party. I know you're probably thinking Yeh right! I've heard that one before. There will be some pic's here on Monday,  what Monday!. I mean Monday 12th. Nov

Well I hope you are all still awake. Just one last thing to say. Andrea Jenkins, if you still look in I remember you saying when I announced Phoenix's birth on the 7th Nov, you said it was your hubby's birthday. I scribbled it on my desk, but wrote it in pen and it's still there so, Happy Birthday Andrea's hubby hope you have a lovely day!

Hope to see you all soon, and again sorry it's been so long.

Love & Hugs

Tina XX


  1. The year has certainly flown by. A happy birthday to Phoenix he is very lucky to have such a talented grandmother. A lovely card to celebrate his birthday.the pics of the decorations show that you must have had a lovely day. We are going to be blessed with our 1st grandchild early next year. So I am busy crocheting baby blankets and knitting matinee coats xx

    1. Hi Maria

      I will pass your birthday wishes onto Phoenix. We did have a lovely day but boy were we tired. After everyone had gone the house looked like a bomb had hit it and we didn't sit down before 11pm.

      How lovely to hear your news of a new grandchild and your 1st one too. I can't wait to hear about your new arrival in the new year. I would love to see your baby makes.

      Take care Maria

      Love & Hugs

      Tina XX

  2. Oh Tina, Thank You so much! I still read both you and Claire avidly, and of course I thought of Phoenix while making Hubs cards and pressie tags. He had a very early gift from Alfie Cat this morning, right by his side of the bed! Phoenix's card is a stunner as always, and I look forward to party pics next week.

    1. Hi Andrea

      You made me laugh out loud at Alfie's little present. There's nothing like a little whoopsie pressie, all I can say is I'm glad he saw it or it could have been a lot worse.

      Glad you liked the card, I'm definitely not doing anything on Monday other than putting some picture on my blog & making Christmas cards, and that's just around the corner.

      Hope you have a lovely birthday meal with hubby tonight, and thank you for supporting Claire and me it means a lot. X

      Love & Hugs

      Tina XX

  3. Hi Tina. Cannot believe the little man is 1 already. Lovely to hear from you.
    Just to know my daughter is doing ok. Finished her Chemo and also her Radiotherapy.
    Back at work partime. So things are looking good. Mavis L x

    1. Hi Mavis

      I know, this year has whizzed by.

      That is such good news about your Tracey and being back at work too that's amazing. I'm really pleased things are looking good for you both. XX

      Lots of love & hugs to you & Tracey

      Tina XX

  4. Morning Tina, how beautiful this card is for Phoenix, I am sure that he will love it as we all do. It really is a year, where has that time gone, it seems to have flown past.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

    1. Thank you June. I know this year has gone by soo fast. Hope you well.

      Love & Hugs

      Tina XX

  5. Well hello gorgeous. Wowzer Tina what a fantastic foxy card, daym girl you're so daym talented feel like sharing ? Lol. Can we not magic these precious grand-babies to stop growing up, although I guess we'd miss watching their personalities grow so we can't win. What can I say, I'm so proud to call you my friend you have the biggest heart and that's we're I'll finish.
    Love you lovely lady xxx

    1. Hi Boss

      Thank you Steph. My Mojo has been absent for a while I really couldn't motivate myself to craft but felt I had to get my finger out and do a card for Phoenix, but I was seriously going to buy one. I'm really pleased I made one in the end as it has jump started my mojo again, it's ticking over but not quite revved up yet but at least it's a start.

      Wouldn't it just be lovely to press pause but also for us so that we (me) won't become more of an achy old fart.

      Ditto my friend, I'm lucky too. X

      Special Love & Hugs

      Me XX

  6. Hi Tina a very Happy birthday to Phoenix it doesn't seem possible he's one already. The years just seem to fly by these days my little man is 4 now & at school full time luckily he loves it. Phoenix birthday card is gorgeous Tina he defently has a talented grandmother.
    Sorry I've not been in touch for a while Tina I promise I will Email you soon.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda

      Wow I can't believe Harry's 4 and at school, glad he loves it though.

      I'll pass your birthday wishes onto Phoenix, Thank you. I'm [leased you liked his card too.

      I'll look forward to hearing from you. I hope you are keeping well.

      Love & Hugs

      Tina XX
